Science Sample Paper Class 10 CBSE Board Exam 2020

Science Sample Paper Class 10 CBSE Board Exam 2020. Sample papers along with marking schemes have also been published as per the changed pattern, which will be taken while preparing the question papers in the board examination 2020. Here, we present the CBSE sample. Paper and marking scheme for class 10 science subject. Students should thoroughly analyze the pattern and marking trends of the question paper to form an effective plan for the preparation of the board examination.
Science Sample Paper Class 10 CBSE Board Exam 2020

Structure of CBSE Class 10 Science Model Paper 2020

  1. The question paper consists of 30 questions divided into three sections - A, B, and C.
  2. Question number 1 to 14 in section-A is a question, which includes MCQ, VSA type and claim-causal type questions. These have to be answered in one word or in one sentence.
  3. Question number 15 to 24 in Section-B consists of three-digit questions which include short answer type questions. They should be answered in about 50-60 words.
  4. There are five questions each from question number 25 to 30 in section-C which include long answer type questions. Each of these is to be answered in about 80–90 words.
  5. The paper had a total of 80 marks.
There is no overall option. However, some of the questions below give internal options:

  •  In Section-A 3 questions
  •  3 questions in Section-B
  •  Section-C 3 questions

Class 10 science sample question paper 2020


1. How does the validity of an element vary over a period?.
2. Define cataract.
3. Answer the question numbers 3 (a) - 3 (d) based on your understanding of the following paragraphs and related concepts studied.

Renewable energy sources such as wind energy are vital for the Indian economy, not only from the point of view of supply but also from the perspective of environmental and social benefits. India is the world’s fifth-largest wind-power producer and the largest windmill facilities in India are installed in Tamil Nadu. Muppandal is a small village of Tamil Nadu and one of the most important sites of wind-farm in the state. It uses wind from the Arabian Sea to produce renewable energy. The suitability of Muppandal as a site for wind farms stems from its geographical location as it has access to the seasonal monsoon winds.
The electrical generators used on wind turbines in sites like Muppandal produce an output AC of 240 V and a frequency of 50 Hz even when the wind speed is fluctuating. A transformer may be required to increase or decrease the voltage so it is compatible with the end usage, distribution or transmission voltage, depending on the type of interconnection.

3 (a) State the principle behind the electric generator.
3 (b) The output frequency of the wind turbine is 50 Hz. What is meant by this statement?
3 (c) Why do you think Muppandal is at an advantageous position for this project?
3 (d) Based on the data represented in the graph below, which of the two cities A or B would be an ideal location for establishing a wind-farm and why?
Science sample paper class 10 cbse
  1. Question numbers 4(a) - 4(d) are based on the two tables given below. Study these tables related to blood sugar levels and answer the questions that follow.
Table A (Blood glucose chart) Good

Mean blood glucose level (mg / dL)
Doctor’s advice needed
Table B (patients blood report X and Y)

Time of check
Blood Glucose ranges (mg/dL)
Patient X
Patient Y
Before breakfast (Fasting)
< 100
70 – 130
Before lunch, supper and snack
< 110
70 – 130
Two hours after meals
< 140
< 180
< 120
90- 15

4(a) Refer to Table B showing the blood report of the levels of glucose of patients X and Y. Infer the disease which can be diagnosed from the given data.
4(b) Identify the hormone whose level in the blood is responsible for the above disease.
4(c) Which one of the following diets would you recommended to the affected patient?
i) High sugar and a low-fat diet.
ii) Low sugar and high protein diet.
iii) High Fat and low fiber diet.
iv) Low sugar and high fiber diet.
4(d) Refer to Table A and suggest the value of the mean blood glucose level beyond which doctor’s advice is necessary:
i) 180 mg/dL
ii) 115 mg/dL
iii) 50 mg/dL
iv) 80 mg/dL
5 When we enter a dark room coming from outside, immediately the things inside the room do not appear clear to our eyes. This is because
i) pupils do not open at all in the dark.
ii) pupils take time to adjust.
iii) light travels slower in a dark room.
iv) pupils open very quickly in the dark.
6 When a 4V battery is connected across an unknown resistor there is a current of 100 mA in the circuit. The value of the resistance of the resister is:
i) 4 Ω
ii) 40 Ω
iii) 400 Ω
iv) 0.4 Ω
7. Unit of electric power may also be expressed as:
i) volt-ampere
ii) kilowatt-hour
iii) watt-second
iv) joule-second
8. It was found that water from a river was contaminated with Coliform bacteria. Which one of the following pollutants might have got mixed with the water?
i) Fertilizer runoff
ii) Industrial waste
iii) Pesticides
iv) Human fecal matter
9. Which one of the following greenhouse gases is a contributor due to incomplete combustion of coal and petroleum?
i) Oxides of nitrogen
ii) Methane
iii) Carbon monoxide
iv) Carbon dioxide
10. Which of the following reactions is an endothermic reaction?
i) Burning of coal.
ii) Decomposition of vegetable matter into compost.
iii) Process of respiration.
iv) Decomposition of calcium carbonate to form quick lime and carbon dioxide.
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